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Marta Monteiro
Hello! My name is Marta Monteiro, I am an 18 years old student of Foreign Languages and Cultures at Escola Superior de Educação do Porto.

As someone who is severely present in today's online society, I continuously run into content posted anonymously by someone. Content which is usually used to criticize something or someone, or to express an idea which is politically incorrect, or even to plan malicious actions. When our class was proposed to elaborate this project and my colleagues suggested focusing on 4chan's impact, even though I did not know the platform, I was explained how it works and

ended up accepting it as our theme. 

When explained I thought of 4chan as the perfect representation of an opposite culture to the Reddit's and Quora's ones, which are the most known nowadays. It also got through my mind that it would be the perfect example to demonstrate

to people how massacres and malicious actions are planed before being put in practice in real world situations. I see

4chan as a great example which has as its representatives the Counterculture community, which is a group of people who

go against the common Culture. These Counterculture people spread on the platform hate speeches against minorities of every kind, and have also right-wing ideologies.

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