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Matilde Reis
  My name is Matilde Reis. As a first-year college student, my main goals are not only to further extend my learning of the English language, but also to come to be a Media Literate person by the end of this course.

  As a young person, I feel like I should take advantage of being able to go to college and the benefit of learning about Media and about the way it is created and then consumed. It’s essential for us to pay attention to what is happening and to

express our opinions on those matters, especially in the time period we live in. 

  Concerning the topic of our group work’s theme, the rise of a group of people whose ideals are, as they say

themselves, “Politically Incorrect”, is one of such matters that I think we should start paying attention to. I

believe that our theme for this project is a very interesting one; it’s both thought provoking and again, not

talked about enough. It’s also something that touches upon our demographic. As we discuss in our work, it’s

mostly young, easily impressed people who are exposed to and who indulge in the kind of content that is

posted on 4chan. This is not only because of the inappropriate coverage made by the Mass Media, but also

because of the lack of education on these matters from a young age, in order to prevent young children from

being fascinated by these kinds of violent acts instead of being repulsed and being taught on how to prevent them. 

  Our last group project, which touched upon school shootings and their horrifying reality, helped me also find a basis for where to start with this one, because of them being intertwined, and to also regard the reality of the subject with a much more well-informed perspective.

  I hope our group project helps those who read it to learn and to understand a bit more about how the Media and the Internet can directly influence our real life.

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